Moxie Ladies: 

Our last Moxie Bible study was called the BR_DE. During one of our demonstrations 

Kim Nootbarr stood in as the BRIDE of CHRIST.  The participants of the Bible study dressed Kim in her 

wedding dress and veil.  They prepared her for the GROOM.  As they did this, they read scripture

over her, and they prayed over the  communal BRIDE of Christ.  It was powerful!  

We discussed the importance of having oil in our lamp so that we are ready for the return of Christ.  

How do we get oil in our lamp you ask? Oil comes from the continued infilling of 

the Holy Spirit  through relationship with the Father and time in the word.  

Ladies, Jesus may return at any moment..  

Are you ready?

If you’d like to do the BR_DE study you 

can download it for free here - 


riley armstrong