Dear Moxie Ladies,
Two weeks ago, during my prayer time, God called Moxie to a RESET. To be honest, when I first heard this, I
immediately began to negotiate wiith God. Smile. Ladies, you all know how we do this, right? Like when we
say…”Well, Lord, you can’t possibly mean for Moxie to stop:
With Love & Moxie
Bible Study
Prayer Ministry
Card Ministry
Gift Box Ministry
And He said “Kel, I do, all of it!” Then I saw a glass door with an OPEN sign turned to CLOSED.
Okay God…that’s pretty clear.
I am writing to let you know that Moxie will be going through a RESET. Our team members will RESET and
the ministry will RESET. We will press in With our EYES and EARS open wide to see what God has for us
individually and ministerially.
I’d like to ask you to please pray for us. And if you would like to give to the ministry, please follow
this link - .
Truly my soul finds rest in God; my salvation comes from him. Psalm 62:1
We wish you the BEST Christ
filled Christmas ever.
With Love & Moxie,
*This months photo is of Suzi Clay and Danielle Mendias during our Seen study. If you would like a copy this
devotional you can download it for free -